!!!COM: Schoenberg, Arnold !!!OPS: Opus 50C !!!OPR: Modern Psalms !!!OTL: First Psalm (unfinished) !!!ODT: 1950 !!!AIN: chor orch vox **pc **kern *X: *X: 0 E 11 D# 8 C 4 G# 7 B 3 G 1 F 5 A 2 F# 6 A# 9 C# 10 D *- *- !!!YOR: Paul Metz, unpublished course project, ca. 1980 !!!ref: @{COM}: @{OPR}, @{OPS}, @{OTL} (@{ODT}) !!!DRV: This row can be derived from its first 6 notes. !!!IHC: If inverted and transposed by 1, 5 or 9 semitones, the first 6 notes become their own complement. !!!SEM: This row contains 2 instances of the semitone interval class. !!!RKY: 0.02 !!!T33: 4 !!!T35: 0