Musical Information

  1. Informal Registration Form for the class find out what you know and what you are intersted in.

  2. Rosetta Stone of Musical Data -- A set of musical data encodings all describing the same short melodic example.

  3. MuseData Examples -- graphical notation and underlying Stage 1/2 MuseData as well as examples of ifiles which are an intermediate form of MuseData for printing.

  4. MuseData File Processing Chart -- Basic description of MuseData files and how they are processed.

  5. MuseData Workflow for online publishing -- Description of the programs used to convert Stage 2 data into publishable online scores.

  6. MuseData Source File Description -- A description of MuseData Stage2 files which are the primary encoding format for music at CCARH. Data in this format is available online at

  7. MuseData autoset program -- Implementation data description for the MuseData program called autoset which converts MuseData stage2 files into ifiles which are used to print music.

  8. Musedata Ifiles Description -- Intermediate files which a generated by the autoset MuseData program and processed by several other programs such as mskpage (make score page). This data format is intermediate between Stage 2 MuseData files and the final graphic musical output. Ifiles encode the two-dimensional position of musical elements on a staff in either linear mode or page mode (linear mode with line breaks).

  9. MusicXML encoding of the first four bars of Mozart's piano sonata K457, Eleanor Selfridge-Field.

  10. SCORE 4.0 Music Data Entry Reference Manual -- complete guide for the five-stage SCORE data entry process.

  11. SCORE User Input Exercises -- good exercises for starting to learn the SCORE data-entry system which is used in the SCORE Input Basics lab.

  12. SCORE Exercise #2 -- Five short musical examples which can be typeset using only the SCORE five-stage input process. There are a few tricky cases which have to be done by editing note parameters to get the final output. This handout goes with the second SCORE lab.

  13. SCORE Code 1 Parameters (Notes) -- Visual reference sheet for the parameters which affect the graphical display of a musical note in SCORE.

  14. SCORE Code 5 Parameters (Slurs) -- Visual reference sheet for the parameters which affect the graphical display of ties/slurs in SCORE.

  15. SCORE 4.0 Text Commands

  16. SCORE Parameters From an I-File Point of View Description of SCORE item parameters and how they relate to MuseData I-File parameters.

  17. MuseData to SCORE Conversion Example Examples of the output and intermediate files in the process of converting MuseData files into SCORE files. Source code for programs mentioned in the handout: [ autoscr | autoset | mskpage | paging | pskpage | scorecon ]

  18. MIDI Communication Protocol -- Description of MIDI communication protocol.

  19. binasc -- command-line program for displaying binary files as ASCII numbers.

  20. Outline of the Standard MIDI File Structure -- Brief description of the Standard MIDI File data format.

  21. MIDI File Variable Length Values -- The specification for variable length values (VLV) which are used to store MIDI delta times in Standard MIDI files.

  22. General MIDI Instruments -- A list of standardized instruments in the General MIDI specification.

  23. List of General MIDI Continuous Controllers.

  24. Byte Table -- A list of all numbers in a byte and their various meanings in MIDI and ASCII.

  25. A Roadmap of the MIDI Byte -- A list of all numbers in a byte and their various meanings in MIDI and ASCII. (PDF Reference Chart Version)

  26. twinklehex.pdf -- An example MIDI file in ASCII hexadecimal format which contains the melody Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star [twinkle.mid].

  27. Kern information -- basic melodic example of music in the Humdrum **kern data format.

  28. Humdrum **koto specification -- example of how to encode non-western music in Humdrum files.

Revised: 9 Mar 2005