Musical Information (Mus 253/CS 275A)
Assignment 1
Design a musical notation system.
Design Guidelines:
- Can be a practical system or an unpractical system.
- Can be a graphical notation system for performers to read, or
can be a digital representation of standard music notation, or
a digital/graphical representation of a specialized repertory of music,
(like the Japanese musical scores shown in class).
- Take about three hours to do this assignment.
What to Turn in:
- Submit a one-page written description of the musical notation system.
- Describe the scope and purpose that a full-scale implementation
of your system would have. In other words, what types of music
would it be useful for, and what types of music would your
system be impractical.
- Give an example encoding of music in your system. If the
system encodes standard western musical notation, then
use this example melody:
- Demonstrate your system to the class (3-5 minutes) on the day
that the assignment is due.
Ideas for the Creatively Challenged:
- Design a graphical notation system for music which
does not need to use accidentals (such as sharps and flats).
- Design a system which can be used to type in music data quickly
on a computer keyboard.
- Design a system which would be easy to perform by reading
the digital data directly.
- Design a graphical system which uses color.
Revised: 3 Jan 2005